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Hanging Cheek Snaffle


The Hanging Cheek Baucher / Filet Baucher is a leverage bit which places pressure on the horses poll when the reins are applied encouraging the horse to lower its head and is thus suitable for horses with a high head carriage. The top, smaller rings are attached to the bridles check pieces with the larger bottom rings being attached to the reins of the bridle. This bit is permissible in dressage competitions.



The hanging cheek or Filet Baucher snaffle is commonly used on horses that carry their heads high as it places pressure on the poll, encouraging the horse to lower its head and come onto the bit. This bit can be used in dressage provided it is used with a normal snaffle bridle.

This bit has been found useful for horses and ponies that need a bit or extra help when compared to the snaffle for stopping.